Mounted or framed prints


Ready to frame prints

We are offering small prints in mounts so they are ready to give as presents. They have an acid free card backing that can be used by a framer later and are wrapped in cellophane for protection. On the back is an authentication certificate. Mounted prints are £10 extra to cover materials and carriage. Only available in the U.K. I am afraid.

Card backing and authentication label

Your print will come in a protective packing of cardboard with the usual full guarantee of safe delivery.

Framed prints

We will be framing smaller prints too. The only frame we offer is a white wood that you can see here. A wrapped and boxed print with a cord ready to hang is £120 or £130 and only available in the U.K.

Our white frame

The wooden frames are individually made by us and are 3 cm wide and 2cm deep.


These are not bought in frames but are hand made when you order and every care is taken to present the piece to you in perfect condition. As with everything on my site there is a guarantee in place that if you are unhappy it should be returned to me with care for a full refund including your postage. Contact me with your request before you rebook postage please.